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MIDI Output Overview

MIDIValOutput class provides a lot of functionality to send MIDI messages.


To connect to new MIDI device, instantiate MIDIValOutput based on the one of the outputs returned by the access object.

import { MIDIVal, MIDIValOutput } from "@midival/core";

.then(access => {
const output = new MIDIValOutput(access.outputs[0]);
// Now you can start sending MIDI messages

Sending notes on

To send note on, you can call the following method:

output.sendNoteOn(64, 127);

Sending note off

To send note off message:


Sending Control Change (CC)

To send control change message:

output.sendControlChange(5, 50); // increasing portamento time.

Using named CC

Most of the times it is easier to use named CC messages. To do so, you can use @midival/constants utility package that provides easy conversion map:

import { ControlChange } from '@midival/constants'

output.sendControlChange(ControlChange.ModulationWheel, 30);